Now showing items 1-20 of 446

      Abnormal Returns, Corporate Announcements, Event Study Methodology, Stock Splits. [1]
      Academic Staff, Turnover, Performance, Universities [1]
      Access to finance, Collateral, Decision making, Financial education and Sustainable financial inclusion, [1]
      Accountability, Corporate governance, Competence, Compensation decision-making, financial performance, Risk management [1]
      adaptive boosting, machine learning, ensemble model, traditional machine learning, fake news, misinformation, disinformation. [1]
      Administration cost concentration, Interest rate capping, Asset quality, Credit policies, Non-interest income, Financial performance. [1]
      Adoption, Accounting information systems, State owned corporations [1]
      Agricultural Financing, agricultural Productivity, Credit. [1]
      Alternative financing, growth, financial intermediation, fixed deposits, descriptive research, inferential statistic, savings and credit cooperative society, Baringo, Kenya. [1]
      Animal feeds manufacturing companies, financial performance [1]
      appraisal, performance, employee attitude, Kenya police service, feedback, management support. [1]
      Asset allocation, Financial Performance, Strategic Asset Allocation, Tactical Asset Allocation, Dynamic Asset Allocation, Integrated Asset Allocation [1]
      Asset Restructuring, written off assets, Non-performing assets, Asset level management, Restructured loans, Profitability, financially distressed, National Banks of Kenya [1]
      Assets Quality, credit management, credit monitoring, credit standards, credit policy, credit terms and credit collection technique. [1], research, Prototype, artifact, Casual job matching and application, focus group discussion [1]
      Attributes of the Audited, Effectiveness, Internal Audit, Internal Audit Objectivity, Audit Staff Competence, Audit Staff Independence, Fraud Reduction, Management support, Organisation Policies and Procedures, State Corporations [1]
      Audit Committee, Auditor Independence, Auditor, Audit tenure, Audit Quality. [1]
      Audit Committee, Tenure, Independence, Audit Team size, Expertise. [1]
      Audit Committees; Audit Committee effectiveness and Characteristics [1]
      audit expectations gap, unreasonable expectations, users of financial information, financial statements and books of accounts. [1]