Influence of Internal Factors on Strategy Implementation in the Ministry of Land and Physical Planning, Kenya
Purpose: The current study sought to unveil the influence of internal factors on implementation of strategies in the Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning in Kenya. The study centered on specifically establishing the influence of organization structure, organization leadership, organization culture and organization resources on strategy implementation in the Ministry of Lands in and Physical Planning in Kenya. The study was anchored on Contingency Theory, Path-Goal Leadership theory, Schein’s Theory of Organization Culture and Resource Based View Theory. Methodology: The study employed a descriptive research design and targeted the Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning. The unit of observation of comprised of 409 staffs from the ministry in top, middle and lower management positions in the ministry’s head office. Fishers Sampling Formula was used in developing a sample of 198 respondents. The study relied on primary data where a five point likert scale questionnaire was utilized to gather primary data. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were employed in analyzing the collected data. SPSS and MS excel was adopted to generate the statistics. Findings: The results of the study were displayed in form of tables and figures. Prior collection of data, a pilot study was conducted on 10 randomly selected respondents from the ministry to assess the validity and reliability of the questionnaire. The respondents in the pilot study were exempted in the final study. The study established that organization structure, organization leadership, organization culture and organization resources bears a positive and significant influence on strategy implementation in the Ministry of Lands in and Physical Planning in Kenya. This is shown by beta values of 0.296, 0.473, 0.377 and 0.596 and significant values of 0.006, 0.000, 0.000 and 0.000 respectively. Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: The results bears the implications that increasing each of the variables with one unit results into increase in the levels of on strategy implementation in the Ministry by respective beta values. The study concluded that internal factors comprising of organization structure, organization leadership, organization culture and organization resources positively and significantly influences implementation of strategies in the Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning in Kenya. The study recommended the ministry to enhance each aspect of the internal factors considered in the study during strategy implementation since the practice positively influences strategy implementation.
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