Browsing Journal Articles by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 135
Defining visualization operations for temporal cartographic animation design
(Elsevier- Science Direct, 2002)Cartographic animation has emerged as a potentially effective visualization technique that has an intuitive power in representing dynamic geographical phenomena through its ability to show interrelations amongst geospatial ... -
Evaluation of Software Visualization Tools
(IEEE, 2009)Many software visualization (SoftVis) tools are continuously be- ing developed by both researchers as well as software development companies. In order to determine if the developed tools are effec- tive in helping their ... -
Measuring Levels of End-Users’ Acceptance and Use of Hybrid Library Services
(International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology, 2010)This study concerns the adoption of Information Communication Technology (ICT) services in libraries. The study collected 445 usable data from university library end-users using a cross- sectional survey instrument. It ... -
Small And Medium-sized Entities In The Agricultural Sector: Fair Value Reporting Challenges
(2013)Biological assets should be valued at fair value less point of sale costs only if an active market exists. The quoted price in an active market is the appropriate basis for determining the fair value of the asset. The ... -
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System Implementation: A case for User participation
(Research Gate, 2013)The introduction of an information system such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system in an organization brings with it changes on how users work. An ERP system cuts across the different functional units of an ... -
Modeling and Mapping Crime in Eastern Nairobi, Kenya
(Research Gate, 2013)This working paper provides a description of the phases of my PhD study. Drawing on assumptions from various theories of environmental criminology, this study applies various crime mapping methodologies to observe geographic ... -
3-Category Pedagogical Framework for Context Based Ambient Learning
(IEEE, 2013)Mobile phones have taken centre stage in transforming people’s lives in all sectors of African economies. With regard to Education sector, studies show that, there is high prevalence of mobile phones among learners in ... -
Small And Medium-sized Entities in the Agricultural Sector: Fair Value Reporting Challenges
(Routledge, 2013)Biological assets should be valued at fair value less point of sale costs only if an active market exists. The quoted price in an active market is the appropriate basis for determining the fair value of the asset. The ... -
Remittance and Household Expenditures in Kenya
(Research Gate, 2013-09-27)Remittances constitute an important source of income for majority of Kenyan households. The World Bank reports a steady increase in inward remittance flows to Kenya. In addition, the evolution of mobile-money services ... -
Integrating the Role of Sports Associations in the Promotion of Sports and Recreation Tourism at the Destination Level: Creating a Partnering Framework for Kenya
(International Journal of Tourism Sciences, 2013-11-03)In Kenya, tourism is the second most important earner of foreign exchange after agriculture. It has had a great impact in the direct employment of local population as well as in generating opportunities for other business ... -
Constructs of Successful and Sustainable SME Leadership in East Africa
(Investment Climate and Business Environment Research Fund., 2013-11-24)Despite the markedly increased foreign investment, East African economies remain characterized by low levels of investment and capital formation with high level of attrition among indigenous small ... -
Importance of the Neutral Category in Fuzzy Clustering of Sentiments
(Research Gate, 2014)Social media is said to have an impact on the public discourse and communication in the society. It is increasingly being used in the political context. Social networks sites such as Facebook, Twitter and other micro ... -
Media Control in Kenya: The State of Broadcasting under the New Kenya Information and Communication Act of 2013
(IISTE, 2014)This paper examines the status of broadcast media in Kenya under the new information and communication law. Two objectives are used to develop the thesis of the paper; the operational status of broadcast media in Kenya over ... -
Corporate Turn Around Strategies By Financially Distressed Companies Quoted At The Nairobi Securities Exchange
(Journal of Finance and Accounting, 2014)Firms that are experiencing financial distress take one action or another in order to turn around their performance. This study sought to find out what turnaround strategies are taken by companies that faced by financial ... -
Evaluating the Accuracy and Effectiveness of Criminal Geographic Profiling Methods: The Case of Dandora, Kenya
(The Professional Geographer, 2014)Criminal geographic profiling (CGP) prioritizes offender search, extensively reducing the resources expended in criminal investigations. The utility of CGP has, however, remained unclear when variations in environmental ... -
A Spatial Approach to Surveying Crime Problematic Areas at the Street Level
(Research Gate, 2014)Reaching far beyond the realm of geography and its related disciplines, spatial analysis and visualization tools now actively support the decision-making processes of law enforcement agencies. Interactive mapping of crime ... -
Open mobile ambient learning(OMAL): The next generation of mobile learning for 'mobile-rich' but 'computer-poor' contexts.
(Research Gate, 2014)By the end of year 2011, Africa had over 620 million mobile connections, overtaking Latin America to become second largest mobile market after Asia. According to Ilona Buchem in 2012, since mobile devices and applications ... -
Culture Aware M-Learning Classification Framework for African Countries
(Research Gate, 2014)African countries are currently experiencing proliferation of mobile phone subscriptions but no prevalence of personal computers or electricity (Parker, 2011). It is estimated that, by the end of 2015 in Sub-Saharan Africa, ... -
Ambient Learning Conceptual Framework for Bridging Digital Divide in Higher Education
(Research Gate, 2014)According to ITU (2012), digital divide is the difference between countries in terms of levels of ICT development. This difference remains significant. In 2011, the ICT Development Index (IDI) value of developed countries ... -
Antecedents of Customer Perceived Value: Evidence of Mobile Phone Customers in Kenya
(International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2014-03-08)As the mobile phone industry in Kenya gets competitive, customer retention becomes an imperative precursor to firm performance. For this reason, the study was so conceived to examine factors that influence customer perceived ...