Effect of Entrepreneurial Finance on the Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises in Kenya
SMEs account for over 95 % of the business population, and are therefore an increasingly dominant form of
business organisation in all countries. Access to finance is a key determinant for business start-up, development
and growth for Small and Medium-Enterprises. The objective of this paper was to assess the effect of access to
entrepreneurial finance on the growth of Small and Medium Enterprises in Kenya. A sample of 142 SMEs was
used for the study to represent the entire population. Out of the 142, there were 132 respondents which is
92.96%. Primary data was collected using interview guides, structured and Semi structured questionnaires which
were administered to the owners and managers of SMEs. Data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social
Sciences (SPSS) version 20. The study found out that access to entrepreneurial finance has a positive influence
on the growth of SMEs. The study recommends that the government should support the legal and regulatory
framework that strengthens the financial infrastructure at the same time build capacity of the financial
institutions to enhance SMEs access to finances.
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