Effect Of Innovation In Information And Communication Technology On The Performance Of Commercial Banks In Kenya
The banking segment in Kenya has undergone drastic change over the years. In their effort to
reduce organizational and administrative expenditures, these banks have embraced many
advanced models of technology, whereby customers have access to their accounts from the
comfort of their personal computers. The objective of this study was to ascertain the effect of
innovation in Information and Communication Technology on the performance of the
Commercial Banks in Kenya. The study used theoretical studies such as Technology
Acceptance model, Theory of reasoned action, Innovation Diffusion theory and Agency
Theory. The study applied descriptive research strategy and the target population included 15
out of the 43 licensed Commercial banks. Panel data analysis was used for a period of 5 years
between years 2014 to 2018. Besides using descriptive type of analysis, the study used
secondary data. The study also used regression analysis to examine the statistical importance
of the various independent variables (mobile banking, internet banking and agency banking)
on the dependent variables (the performance of commercial banks in Kenya). The study used
STATA to help in quantitative investigation in this examination. Diagnostic tests were
carried out during data analysis. From the model summary, between 2014 and 2018 there was
variation of 62.31% on financial performance. It was revealed that holding mobile banking,
internet banking and agency banking to a constant zero between 2014 and 2015, return on
assets of commercial banks in Kenya would be at 0.97361. From the regression equation,
mobile banking displayed a positive regression coefficient against ROA; internet banking
displayed a positive significant coefficient against ROA of commercial banks; while agency
banking displayed a significant positive regression coefficient against ROA. The study
concluded that mobile banking, internet banking and agency banking affected financial
performance of commercial banks in Kenya. The study recommended that commercial banks
should invest in internet, agency and mobile banking as this was found to have positive
influence on financial performance.